Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another memory

I think that the best way for me to get blogging again is to use another photo meme.

Today I chose the 20th photo in my 9th folder (for today's date).

This was taken on September 29, 2006 on the island of Salina. Salina is one of the Aeolian Islands off of Sicily. When Sam and I stayed in Roccella Ionica, Calabria, we took a train to Reggio Calabria and then a ferry to Salina. We stayed in a spa/hotel and this photo is of the swimming pool there.

I am going to include some other photos of the area. The movie "Il Postino" was filmed on this island. From the patio of the hotel we could see the red lava of Stromboli glowing in the night. It was a magical setting and we hope to return someday.

One of our most memorable meals was from our stay there. We had wandered around the town of Malfa and mid-afternoon popped our head into a tiny cafe. The owner ushered us to an outdoor table and then brought a pitcher of local red wine, and the most wonderful seafood salad, and bread. It was a luxury to have a slow lunch of such delicacy.

Perhaps next time I'll have some more current material to share.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Photo Meme

Open the fourth file where you store your photos. Pick the fourth photo. Explain the photo. Pass the challenge on to four other bloggers.

Thanks to my blogger "friend" at: for this idea.

My photo is from the Amalfi Coast taken in September of 2006 in the town of Maiori. Anyone who has made the trip knows that it is a drive during which the driver does not want to let their eyes wander from the curving road. I'd love to be there now!