Friday, November 5, 2010

Autumn's Call

This post is my response to autumn's beckoning. I am privileged to have the months of September and October off from work each year and, here in Oregon, those are often lovely, extended-summer-like months. But as the calendar pages flip to the date of my return to work I am lifted by the colors that mean fall has come to the Northwest and that there is still brightness around me.

The visual images that lead me back to work include brilliant yellows in the vineyards of the Willamette Valley, radiant red leaves on the blueberry fields that dot the landscape, both commercial crops and backyard patches, and finally the red and oranges of the trees in our own backyard. There is such beauty in plants as they go into their shut-down phase... I hope that I can also maintain some of that brightness through my return-to-work transition next week!


  1. Oregon certainly has a wonderfully colourful Autumn, thanks for sharing these photos. All the best for your return to work.

  2. Beautiful photos and a beautiful description.

  3. Thanks for your comments - the photos do not really capture the beauty - as long as I am living in the US, Oregon is a lovely spot to call home.

  4. Hi,
    Thank you for visiting my 'purpletraveller' blog. I have spent some time reading your posts- very interesting and you have some good images here.I will add you to my site list and have added a link to your blog.
    I have a photo blog called 'Aura of Past Shadows' that might be of interest too.
    I will continue to follow 'desk bound wanderer' and wish you well.
    Regards from the UK
